•The 7 Reasons You Need To Know
to many people, there are quite a handful of health benefits that can be
derived from having regular sex with your partner, especially if you’re both
married. To some, sex can be quite a stress and they only allow their partners
have their way with them just so that there won’t be wahala in the house. But the majority of people do enjoy sex, but only a few of them do realize there is
more to it than just the pleasure they derive from it. Here are seven reasons
why you should be having regular sex with your partner.
boosts your immune system. It has been shown by medical experts that people who
have sex more regularly, at least once or twice a week, develop higher levels
of a particular antibody that helps them fight germs and viruses.
helps to improve a woman’s bladder. Unknown to many ladies, having regular sex
can help to strengthen their pelvic floor muscles. This happens during orgasms
when the pelvic muscles contract, helping to strengthen them.
risks of heart attacks. Having regular sex balances your estrogen and
testosterone levels. If one of those hormones is lower than the other, it can
cause problems that could come in form of heart disease. A study discovered
that men who had sex at least twice a week were half as likely to die of heart
disease as men who rarely had sex.
acts as exercise. One of the fun and easy ways to get rid of calories is by
having sex. It has been proven that when you have sex, you lose about five
calories per minute.
trouble sleeping? The remedy is simple! Give yourself great sex just before
you go to sleep and see the magic. We guarantee that if the sex is good enough,
you surely will sleep like a baby.
your libido. Having regular sex helps to keep your libido up. According to
experts, for women, regular sex helps increase vaginal lubrication which
obviously makes sex feel good, thus making you want it even more.
get less stressed. Being intimate by hugging and touching helps to release your
body’s feel-good hormones. Being sexually aroused releases a brain chemical
that increases the brain’s pleasure and reward system. The whole point of
relieving stress is so that you feel good, so what better way to do that than
to have sex.