Popular Nigerian spiritual leader and the founder of One Family, Satguru Maharaj Ji has maintained that Nigeria is the Holy Land of the universe. Historically, Maharaj Ji declared Nigeria as the Holy Land of the Universe on 29th May 1993, after the resignation of Nigerian military leader, Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida who served as head of state from 1985 to 1993. The historical declaration happened at the National Art Theatre, Iganmu, Lagos, Nigeria. The reason for the declaration, according to the spiritual leader, is to sack the spirits of failure gathering to milk Nigeria dead economically. Satguru Maharaj Ji made the revelation during an exclusive press briefing last week Tuesday, 16th August 2022. 29 years after, he maintained that Nigeria is still the Holy Land because of the unity that the country enjoys to date.
said, “And so when the Maradona and foremost corrupt military head of state,
IBB was leading the country into total chaos and collapse, I declared Nigeria
The New Holy Land of The Universe on the 29th May 1993, at the National Art
Theatre, Iganmu, Lagos, Nigeria, to sack the spirits of failure gathering to
milk Nigeria dead economically and also replace the colonial holy lands in
Mecca, Medina, Rome, London which has become obsolete and plastic monuments
because of the absence of The Divine Masters, who healed, cured and linked man
with Creator within man”. Maharaj Ji also recalled that in 1993, he declared
that there won’t be a war irrespective of Nigerian differences and still
maintained his position during the chat.
to him, “It is for this reason that I further moved in and declared “No War In
Nigeria, Come What May” on August 16, 1993, when Euro/American forces of
negativity wanted to use IBB their Stooge-in-Chief to cause war and destabilize
the world from Nigeria.
the epoch declaration, 29 years after, is worthwhile because, despite the
subterranean manoeuvres by the forces of darkness to cause war, and destabilize
Nigeria, Nigeria keeps forging ahead as a United and indivisible nation”.
Satguru Maharaj ji said that there is hope for Nigeria, despite her challenges.
He assured that despite the happenings in Nigeria, he believes there is hope
for the nation and light at the end of the tunnel.
other words, unlike those who ate, dined and now claim Nigeria is a failed
state, we want them to know that hope is not lost, in project Nigeria, because
by Maharaji’s Grace, there is encompassing ball of light glittering at the end
of the tunnel, come what may”. Guru Maharaj Ji, born Mohammed Ajirobatan
Ibrahim, is a Nigerian spiritual leader. He lives in Ibadan. He has declared
himself to be a Living Perfect Master, Guru Maharaj Ji, and is also called the
“Black Jesus”. He says that he has power over all illnesses and all problems
affecting humanity. His Ashrams are located at Satguru Maharaj Ji Village, on
the Ibadan-Lagos Expressway and Lagos. Maharaj Ji’s devotees are vegetarians
and wear mostly Red badges as signs of their loyalty.
1980, Satguru Maharaj Ji commenced His global Divine Mission from Nigeria;
precisely from 33 Shittu Thompson Street, Elliot Bus Stop, off Soboyejo Road,
Iju Waterworks Road, Iju Agege, Lagos, which is now the Mother Ashram and a hub
for Pilgrimage. About a decade after the hyper-threatening cold war was put to an irreversible end. The Ibadan Ashram, known as Maharaj Ji Village, was established
on the 17th of April, 1987.